Content Management

Ornate door

The St. Edward’s content management system (CMS) provides a user-friendly interface for creating, editing, and publishing digital content.

After training, editors and publishers can use the following resources to learn or brush-up on common tasks associated with managing content. 

CMS Fundamentals

These basic administrative tasks are essential for working with our content management system and used frequently across pages and components. Browse our short video tutorials to learn new skills or refresh your knowledge.


Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to the questions we're asked most often. 

Level 1 and 2 (Homepage, Top-Level Landing Pages)
Marketing Office

Levels 3, 4 and 5
Often referred to as “department pages,” any pages below Level 2 fall under the responsibility of subject-matter experts within academic and administrative offices. For example, the Academic Calendar page is managed by the Provost's Office.

Academic Departments
Schools and their respective academic departments

Majors, Minors, Certificates, and Pre-Professional Studies
Marketing, Provost, and Academic Deans.

University Directory
Banner data is synced nightly with the content management system. The data itself is maintained by Disbursement Services.

Faculty Profiles
Faculty members manage their own extended profile information through the CMS.

University Events
Feeds from and Campus Labs are synced nightly to provide listings for intercollegiate athletic and student events. Members of the St. Edward’s community may also submit events to the calendar, subject to approval.

Other Web Services
SEU Sites, Google Sites, and myHilltop are not maintained by the Marketing Office. These applications are managed by their respective product owners within the university. For questions about these services, contact OIT support

The Marketing Office works with academic and administrative departments to identify and assign editors and publishers to their content. Any prospective site editors should work with their supervisors to determine what role they should play in content management. Once approved, training can be requested through the Web Help form.

Contact Web Help

All faculty have a CMS account and an extended directory profile page they can manage. These steps lead you through the process of logging in and updating your profile for the first time.

  1. First, reset your password. Go to the password reset page and input your email address. Click submit.
  2. In about a minute, you will receive an email from info@berxwedan.netsubject line: Replacement login information for “Username” at St. Edwards University in Austin, TX—with instructions. If you don’t see it in your mailbox, check your All Mail or Spam folder. The email also appears in the “Updates” category (if you use Gmail categories).
  3. After clicking the email’s one-time login link, set and confirm your new password. Important note: this only changes the password for the content management system, not other SEU applications (Email, MyHilltop, Canvas, etc.) So make sure and save this new password in your favorite password manager.
  4. Now, you can immediately update your profile. Go to the CMS toolbar, click your username. Now click View Profile to see your currently published profile and the “Edit My Profile” button to edit it. 
  5. If you had a profile on the website before August 2024, your profile and its content was migrated from the old website. Otherwise, it contains only basic Banner data. In EDIT mode, you will notice greyed-out fields that are associated with this Banner data (ID, Department, First and Last Name, Email, Phone, Office, Title). Banner data is synced and must be updated at the source to update the website. Contact Disbursement Services and request changes to these fields.
  6. Below Banner data are fields for uploading a new or updated profile photo, a large field for Biography information, and a dropdown selector to add new components to your page (like accordions).
A short video that demonstrates the editing process for a directory profile.

The Marketing Office works directly with the provost and academic deans to manage major/minor/program pages. Faculty and staff continue to manage department pages, as they always have. If you need an update to a major/minor page, please contact Web Help.

Contact Web Help

Drafts marked as "Send to Review" can be found in the CMS Dashboard. Go to the CMS toolbar and select Shortcuts Dashboard Pending Publication.

The image shows a Drupal administrative dashboard with the “Shortcuts” menu highlighted. The “Dashboard” page is open, and the “Pending Publication” tab is selected.

When training is complete, editors and publishers receive an email titled "STEDWARDS.EDU Website Access and Login Instructions." This email includes instructions on resetting a password and logging in for the first time. After that, users can log into the site from any page, by visiting "Tools and Resources Log in" in the menu on top of the site.

The image shows a website navigation menu under “Tools and Resources.” At the bottom of the menu, there is a “Log In” link highlighted with a red box. The website’s main navigation bar at the top includes categories like Academics, Admission, Campus Life, and Cost and Aid.

Do not upload files directly to the CMS. Instead, upload documents, PDFs, and other files to Google Drive or Box, which provide better file management, version control, and sharing options. 

  • Once uploaded, ensure your file’s sharing settings are set to “Anyone with the link can view” (Google Drive) or “Open to anyone with the link” (Box) if you want public visitors to access and download the file.
  • After setting the correct permissions, copy the public link and use it when adding links to documents on the site.

If the files you share are updated on an annual basis for example, a map of campus parking we recommend that you update documents in their original upload location in the cloud. This practice, known as versioning, is valuable because it preserves hyperlinks, ensuring that updates to a document don’t break existing links on the website. It also maintains file history, allowing you to revert to previous versions if needed, and track changes over time.

Additional Resources

Only publishers and system admins can restore revisions. While this feature can be useful in certain situations, it is generally recommended to use revisions only as a point of reference rather than directly restoring them to production. Instead of restoring a revision, review the previous version and manually copy and paste the necessary text or images into the current version. This prevents unintended results, like removing important updates made since the revision was saved.

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